A 580 credit score isn’t the end of the world but you will need to increase it to get the best rates Credit scores are a lot like your health, you don’t even think about it until something goes wrong. Whatever you did to get a 580 credit score, it’s probably now keeping you from getting the money you need at a rate you can afford. That’s ok because now that you’re thinking about your score, we … [Read more...]
What Can You Do With a 620 Credit Score?
A 620 credit score will lock you out of a lot of opportunities but there are still doors open if you know where to look Questions about credit scores are the most common I get from readers and the 620 credit score seems to be the one where most people get stuck. It’s not quite really bad credit but still not good enough to get approved for loans at a rate people can afford. That’s why I … [Read more...]
The Shocking Difference Between APR and Interest Rate
The difference between an interest rate and APR may end up costing you thousands What’s the first thing you look for when applying for a loan? The interest rate, right? The stated interest rate gets the most attention when we apply for a loan but it may surprise you that it’s not the true cost of your loan. The interest just from that annual rate doesn’t include fees and commissions and may … [Read more...]
How to Freeze Credit Report in 5 Minutes [Easy Online Process]
Learn how to freeze a credit report in less than five minutes and truly protect your identity from hackers Nearly every American with a credit report had their information hacked last year and now your personal information is floating out there on the net. It's a scary fact and millions of people have run to the credit monitoring services to protect their identity. The problem is that these … [Read more...]
How to Fix My Credit Score in Six Months [7 Proven Steps]
Use these steps I used to fix my credit score in six months and boost my FICO to over 800 Whether you’re just starting out with credit or destroyed your FICO score like I did, it can take years to rebuild your credit score… But you don’t have years do you? I totally understand. When you need money, when you need a loan, you can’t wait to increase your credit score to get rates you can … [Read more...]