These surprising facts about credit will help you be a smarter consumer of debt and increase your FICO score Despite what Dunkin Donuts would like you to believe, America runs on credit rather than deep-fried donuts. Americans hold $9.1 trillion in debt they used to buy a home and $1.4 trillion to pay for education. They used $1.2 trillion in credit to move themselves around and charged more … [Read more...]
The Solution to Bad Credit Car Loans and Scams
Don’t fall for bad credit car loans or buy here, pay here scams. Learn how to use a peer loan to buy a car. Eight years after bad credit home loans almost destroyed the financial system in American and I think I’m having déjà vu. Bad credit car loans and rip-offs at buy here, pay here dealers are building to lead to the next great recession and borrowers are getting scammed. Rates as high as … [Read more...]