Understand the benefits and dangers of using your credit card to pay the mortgage and other bills It’s easy to get behind, especially during the holidays. If cash in your checking account gets a little low, is it ok to pay your bills with a credit card? Is it the credit card to the rescue or is it a decision you’re going to regret later? Yes, You Can Put Your Mortgage Payment on a Credit … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Credit Card Rewards Aren’t Worth It
Credit cards rewards can be more trouble than they’re worth. Many people like to tout credit card rewards as a way to earn free plane tickets or getting cash back on every single purchase. Having a credit card might make you feel like King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold, according to the numerous television commercials. The only problem is that more than 157 million Americans … [Read more...]
Understanding Statement Balance vs Current Balance to Save Hundreds
Knowing the difference between statement balance and current balance is one of the most important ways to save on credit cards Credit cards can be your best financial tools or they can be weapons of financial destruction. Understanding how to use your credit cards will mean the difference between saving thousands of dollars or paying that much in fees, interest and late charges. Of course, … [Read more...]
How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?
Look at the good uses for credit cards to figure out how many you should carry with you Credit cards get a bad name but there are some very good uses for those little pieces of plastic cash. From reward points to emergency spending, credit cards have saved my financial butt more often than I can remember. Keeping my business spending straight would be impossible without a credit … [Read more...]
Guide to Credit Cards: 5 Sneaky Ways Credit Cards Get You to Overspend
Credit card companies have $25 billion reasons to get you to overspend. Use this guide to credit cards to understand all the sneaky ways they do it. Visa and Mastercard booked $25.9 billion in revenue last year. That’s money moved from your pocket to theirs through interest, annual fees and other charges. And that’s just the top two credit card companies. The industry books hundreds of … [Read more...]